Fault-Tolerant Leader Election in Mobile Dynamic Distributed Systems
Carlos Gómez-Calzado, Alberto Lafuente, Mikel Larrea, Michel Raynal
2013 -
Technical report
Mobility-enabled Publish/Subscribe: A Case Study
Zigor Salvador, Alberto Lafuente, Mikel Larrea
2013 -
Technical report
Leader election in dynamic systems with mobile processes
Carlos Gómez-Calzado, Alberto Lafuente, Mikel Larrea
2013 -
Technical report
Implementing the Weakest Failure Detector for Solving Consensus
Mikel Larrea, Antonio Fernández, Sergio Arévalo
2012 -
Technical report
Failure Detectors and Consensus in Anonymous and Homonymous Distributed Systems
Anamaria Apostol, Mikel Larrea
2012 -
Technical report
Mobile Dynamic Omega: leader election in dynamic systems with mobile processes
Carlos Gómez-Calzado, Alberto Lafuente, Mikel Larrea
2012 -
Technical report
Design and Evaluation of a Publish/Subscribe Framework for Ubiquitous Systems
Zigor Salvador, Alberto Lafuente, Mikel Larrea
2012 -
Technical report
An Evaluation of Efficient Leader Election Algorithms for Crash-Recovery Systems
Carlos Gómez-Calzado, Mikel Larrea, Iratxe Soraluze, Alberto Lafuente, Roberto Cortiñas
2012 -
Technical report
An Efficient Leader Election Algorithm for Dynamic Systems
Carlos Gómez-Calzado, Roberto Cortiñas, Iratxe Soraluze, Mikel Larrea, Alberto Lafuente, Michel Raynal
2012 -
Technical report
Phoenix: A Protocol for Seamless Client Mobility in Publish/Subscribe
Zigor Salvador, Mikel Larrea, Alberto Lafuente
2012 -
Technical report